Title: Bloodpledge
Author: Tima Maria Lacoba
Release date: May 31st, 2014
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Among a powerful few, alliances are made and conspiracies formed, threatening a war that could destroy them all and endanger every human on Earth—creatures who would do anything to prevent the curse from ending. Now Alec and Laura must invoke the Pledge, an ancient ceremony that enforces Brethren loyalty to the Principate.
When Laura’s ex-boyfriend, Detective Inspector Matt Sommers, turns up with a threat that could expose Alec, the battle for their world and their lives begins.
In Alec’s room, a single tall, metal lamp gave off a weak light. There were no windows to allow in deadly sunrays, so presumably it predated the time when he became Princeps. The four-poster, wrought iron bed and I were well acquainted, since we’d made love in it several times.
Alec wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close. With his other hand, he tucked my hair behind my ear. ‘We have a little over an hour before the Prefects start arriving.’
‘Let’s not waste it.’ Every minute with him was precious. Three nights ago, Jean-Philippe nearly murdered us both and, even though he was now dead, the danger was not entirely over—tonight’s incident a stark reminder.
He lowered his head and kissed me with a fervency that left me breathless. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Our tongues meshed in a delicious tangle of desire and passion.
‘What happened?’ I asked between kisses.
‘We had a disagreement ….’
I knew what he meant by that. ‘You had a fight.’
‘No avoiding it. Two of them are caged down in the cellar. Cal and Karl are keeping an eye on them till the Pledging.’
‘How many were there?’
‘Five—three men, two women.’
My stomach dropped. ‘You could have been killed!’
‘But I wasn’t.’
‘What if Luc hadn’t arrived—’
‘Shhh’, he sealed his lips over mine and, as always, I melted in his arms. A while later, he murmured against my mouth, ‘I probably could’ve handled it alone. After the Pledging tonight there should be no more incidents.’ His lips grazed my throat.
‘Cross my heart.’ He drew the figure of a cross over his heart. ‘Luc told you about the powers of the rings. If anyone tries anything, they’re ash.’
I nodded. After a previous rebellion, centuries ago, my father forced the surviving Brethren to swear an oath on the Serpent Rings. Those who defied it were killed when the rings flashed fire and destroyed them.
I didn’t want to think about it, let alone witness something like that.
Alec could probably see the anxiety in my eyes, for he smoothed the hair from my face and said, ‘The Pledge worked in the past. No reason why it shouldn’t do so again.’ His confidence was comforting and I released the breath I’d been holding. ‘Besides,’ he said, ‘Pledge or no Pledge, I’ll kill anyone who dares try and harm you.’ A deadly edge to his voice both frightened and excited me. He lowered his head, and took complete possession of my mouth with such passion it ignited a painful throbbing in my core that only he could relieve.
His hands slid down to my waist, untied my sash. Gently he eased my robe off my shoulders. It dropped to the floor, where my camisole soon joined it. He touched the crimson vial Luc gave me, which was nestled between my breasts. It contained three drops of Marcus’s, Antonia’s and Luc’s blood, and it would render the drinker immortal. ‘Luc explained?’
I nodded.
‘Would you take it?’
‘Yes.’ I breathed.
I couldn’t tear my gaze away from his eyes. They were filled with such love, such intensity of longing I almost wished the curse wouldn’t be lifted so there’d be no chance of my blood becoming normal. Yet, our children, the future….

My name is Tima Maria Lacoba and this is my first novel.
For the last seventeen years I’ve taught English and History in a high school in southern Sydney. Before taking up teaching I was a practicing archaeologist, working on several digs around the world. Unfortunately, steady contracts in this field were hard to obtain, hence my gravitation to teaching. It was fantastic being able to teach my field to Year Eleven and Twelve students and then take them on overseas excursions to visit the amazing sites they’ve only seen in books.
For the last seventeen years I’ve taught English and History in a high school in southern Sydney. Before taking up teaching I was a practicing archaeologist, working on several digs around the world. Unfortunately, steady contracts in this field were hard to obtain, hence my gravitation to teaching. It was fantastic being able to teach my field to Year Eleven and Twelve students and then take them on overseas excursions to visit the amazing sites they’ve only seen in books.
Two years ago I resigned and surrendered to the itch of writing. After a many years of reading and correcting my students’ creative writing tasks and essays, I decided it was time to write my own. I couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Official Website: http://www.timamarialacoba.blogspot.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TimaMariaLacoba
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